nLab locally compact and second-countable spaces are sigma-compact

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topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)

see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory


Basic concepts

Universal constructions

Extra stuff, structure, properties


Basic statements


Analysis Theorems

topological homotopy theory




Let XX be a topological space which is

  1. locally compact (in the sense that every point has an open neighbourhood whose topological closure is compact),

  2. second-countable,

Then XX is sigma-compact.

In particular then XX is also paracompact since locally compact and sigma-compact spaces are paracompact.


We need to produce a countable cover of XX by compact subspaces.

By second-countability there exists a countable base of open subsets

β={B iX} iI. \beta = \left\{ B_i \subset X \right\}_{i \in I} \,.

By local compactness, every point xXx \in X has an open neighbourhood V xV_x whose topological closure Cl(V x)Cl(V_x) is compact.

By definition of base of a topology, there exists B xβB_x \in \beta such that xB xV x{x} \subset B_x \subset V_x, hence Cl(B x)Cl(V x)Cl(B_x) \subset Cl(V_x). Since Cl(V x)Cl(V_x) is compact by assumption, and since closed subspaces of compact spaces are compact it follows that B xB_x is compact.

Applying this for each point yields that

X=xXCl(B x). X = \underset{x \in X}{\cup} Cl(B_x) \,.

But since there is only a countable set of base elements BB to begin with, there is a countable subset JXJ \subset X such that

X=xJCl(B x). X = \underset{x \in J}{\cup} Cl(B_x) \,.


{Cl(B x)X} xJ \{Cl(B_x) \subset X\}_{x \in J}

is a countable cover of XX by compact subspaces.

Last revised on September 1, 2023 at 16:43:09. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.