This is the private area of David Roberts within the nLab.
I am a visiting fellow at the University of Adelaide in South Australia, and was a postdoc there for a couple of years.
For my papers (including PhD thesis) please see here. This site is to gather teaching material, but also more ephemeral things.
See here for a list of my talks.
See here for a list of the courses I’ve taught as well as students who’ve worked on projects with me
here is a list of unicode/TeX equivalents
Theorem A for topological categories - this is a version of Quillen’s Theorem A for categories in . As a corollary, with a condition on the unit map of the codomain we get that geometric realisation of an -equivalence is a homotopy equivalence.
Serre’s proof of the Grothendieck-Serre theorem on the Brauer group of a compact space. (to be uploaded).
I have views about the current system of academic publishing, especially how it impacts mathematics. Two links of interest:
The cost of knowledge (wiki) - a boycott of Elsevier
Math2.0 - a forum on mathematical publishing and what can be done
Construction of an equivalence between crossed modules in finite groups, and crossed modules with finite homotopy groups. More generally, same thing with (finite groups) replaced with some sort of Serre class.
list of journals publishing category theory - clearly incomplete!
scratch - read at own risk!
Last revised on September 13, 2017 at 01:28:38. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.