Joyal's CatLab Trivial fibrations in a topos

Trivial fibrations

Category theory

Trivial fibrations


We shall say that a map in an elementary topos is a trivial fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to every monomorphism.

Recall that an object XX is said to be injective if for every monomorphism u:ABu:A\to B and every map f:AXf:A\to X there exists a map g:BXg:B\to X such that gu=fg u=f. An object XX in a topos is injective iff the map X1X\to 1 is a trivial fibration.


A map of simplicial sets is a trivial fibration iff it has the right lifting property with respect to the inclusion Δ[n]Δ[n]\partial \Delta[n] \subset \Delta[n] for every n0n\geq 0.


If \mathcal{L} is the class of monomorphisms in an elementary topos E\mathbf{E} and \mathcal{R} is the class of trivial fibrations, then the pair (,)(\mathcal{L},\mathcal{R}) is a weak factorisation system in E\mathbf{E}.


We shall prove that the conditions of the proposition here are satisfied. We have = \mathcal{R} =\mathcal{L}^\pitchfork by definition of \mathcal{R}. Hence the class \mathcal{R} is closed under (domain) retracts by the proposition hereThe class \mathcal{L} is obviously closed under (codomain) retracts. It remains to show that every map f:ABf:A\to B in E\mathbf{E} admits a factorisation f=pu:AEBf=p u:A\to E\to B with uu\in \mathcal{L} and pp\in \mathcal{R}. We shall first prove that every object can be embedded into an injective object. Let us first show that the Lawvere object ΩE\Omega\in \mathbf{E} is injective. For this we have to show that the map

hom(u,Ω):hom(B,Ω)hom(A,Ω)hom(u,\Omega):hom(B,\Omega)\to hom(A,\Omega)

induced by uu is surjective for every monomorphism uu. For every object AEA\in \mathbf{E}, let us denote the set of subobjects of AA by P(A)P(A). A map u:ABu:A\to B in E\mathbf{E} induced a map u *:P(B)P(A)u^*:P(B)\to P(A) which associates to a subobject SBS\to B its inverse image u *(S)Au^*(S)\to A. This defines a contravariant functor P:E oSetP:\mathbf{E}^o\to \mathbf{Set} which is represented by Ω\Omega (with universal subobject t:1Ωt:1\to \Omega). Hence the map hom(u,Ω)hom(u,\Omega) is isomorphic to the map u *:P(B)P(A)u^*:P(B)\to P(A). But the map u *u^* is surjective when uu is monic, since we have u *u(S)=Su^*u(S)=S for every subobject SAS\to A in this case. We have proved that the object Ω\Omega is injective. Let us now show that every object can be embedded into an injective object. It is easy to verify that if ZZ is an injective object, then so is the object Z AZ^A for any object AA. In particular, the object Ω A\Omega^A is injective for any object AA. But the singleton map AΩ AA\to \Omega^A (which “classifies” the diagonal AA×AA\to A\times A) is monic by a classical result. This show that AA can be embedded into an injective object. We can now show that every map f:ABf:A\to B in E\mathbf{E} admits a factorisation f=pu:AEBf=pu:A\to E\to B with uu\in \mathcal{L} and pp\in \mathcal{R}. But a map p:ZBp:Z\to B is a trivial fibration iff the object (Z,p)(Z,p) of the topos E/B\mathbf{E}/B is injective. Hence the factorisation can be obtained by embedding the object (A,f)(A,f) of the topos E/B\mathbf{E}/B into an injective object of this topos. The existence of the factorisation is proved.

Revised on October 25, 2012 at 12:58:28 by Tim Porter