Spahn HTT, 1.1, fondations for higher category theory (Rev #2, changes)

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This is a subentry of a reading guide to HTT.


1.1.1 Goals and obstacles

1.1.2 \infty-categories

1.1.3 Equivalences of topological categories

1.1.4 Simplicial categories

1.1.5 Comparing \infty-categories with simplicial categories

The adjunction

(||N):sSetCatNsSet(||\dashv N):sSet Cat\stackrel{N}{\to} sSet

shall be described. The functor |||| is constructed by the general technic of nerve and realization via the cosimplicial object :ΔsSetCat\mathfrak{C}:\Delta\to sSet Cat. To be precise we define ||:=Lan y:sSetsSetCat||:=Lan_y \mathfrak{C}: sSet\to sSet Cat as the Kan extension of the simplicial-thickening functor \mathfrak{C} along the Yoneda embedding y:ΔsSety:\Delta\to sSet.

The simplicial-thickening functor



(the simplicial category assigned to a linearly ordered set)


We can consider a linearly ordered set [n][n] as a category, and as a simplicially enriched category in obvious trivial ways. The idea behind the definition of the simplicial thickening is to construct the category [n]\mathfrak{C}[n] such that it is a cofibrant replacement of [n][n] with respect to a suitable model category.


Revision on June 29, 2012 at 17:02:52 by Stephan Alexander Spahn?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.