Spahn reflective subcategory of a topos (Rev #1)

A reflective subcategory of a topos is a topos if the reflector is left exact.

Let HSh J(H)H\simeq Sh_J(H) be a topos for the canonical topology JJ. Let

(LR):ERH(L\dashv R):E\stackrel{R}{\hookrightarrow} H

be the inclusion of a reflective subcategory into a topos. Let

a:=Sh J():Psh(H)Ha:=Sh_J(-):Psh(H)\to H

the sheafification functor.

HH and EE are total. Since HH is a topos, HH is total, since EE is a reflective subcategory of a total category EE is total. This implies the the Yoneda embeddings of EE and HH both posess left adjoints

(a HY H):HPsh(H)(a_H\dashv Y_H):H\hookrightarrow Psh(H)
(a EY E):EPsh(E)(a_E\dashv Y_E):E\hookrightarrow Psh(E)

apparently a H=Sh J(H)a_H=Sh_J(H).

Let R !:=Lan Y EY HRR_!:=Lan_{Y_E} Y_H R then we have La HR !L\circ a_H\circ R_! is the identity on representables and

a EY ELa HR !a_E\circ Y_E\simeq L\circ a_H\circ R_!

is a natural equivalence.

Revision on December 8, 2012 at 01:53:56 by Stephan Alexander Spahn?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.