nLab self-dual object

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Monoidal categories

monoidal categories

With braiding

With duals for objects

With duals for morphisms

With traces

Closed structure

Special sorts of products



Internal monoids



In higher category theory



In a monoidal category a self-duality on a dualizable object XX is a choice of equivalence XX *X \simeq X^\ast with its dual object.


Relation to \dagger-compact structure

If each object XX of a compact closed category is equipped with a self-duality structure h X:XX *h_X : X \simeq X^\ast, then sending morphisms to their dual morphisms but with these identifications pre- and postcomposed

() :(XfY)(Yh YY *f *X *h X 1X) (-)^\dagger \;\colon\; (X \stackrel{f}{\longrightarrow} Y) \mapsto (Y \stackrel{h_Y}{\to} Y^\ast \stackrel{f^\ast}{\longrightarrow} X^\ast \stackrel{h_X^{-1}}{\to} X)

constitutes a dagger-compact category structure.

See for instance (Selinger, remark 4.5).

Applied for instance to the category of finite-dimensional inner product spaces this dagger-operation sends matrices to their transposed matrix.

Graphical language

In terms of string diagrams (following Joyal and Street’s conventions for braided monoidal categories), Selinger argues that the isomorphism h X:XX *h_X : X \simeq X^\ast should be depicted as a half-twist. In particular, for a tortile category equipped with a self-duality structure, the coherence condition

(X *h X *X **h X *X *)=(X *θ X *X *) (X^\ast \stackrel{h_{X^\ast}}{\to} X^{\ast\ast} \stackrel{h_X^\ast}{\to} X^\ast) \; =\; (X^\ast \stackrel{\theta_{X^\ast}}{\longrightarrow} X^\ast)

decomposes a full twist into a pair of half-twists.

This is a special case of half-twists as described by Egger 2011.


  • Peter Selinger, Autonomous categories in which AA *A \simeq A^\ast, talk at QPL 2012 (pdf)

  • Matthew B. Young, §3.1 in Self-Dual Hall modules, PhD thesis, Stony Brook (2013) [pdf, pdf]

    (in a context relating to orientifold-BPS-algebras)

  • Chenjing Bu, Def. 3.2 in: Enumerative invariants in self-dual categories. I. Motivic invariants [arXiv:2302.00038]

On half-twists as above

  • Jeff Egger, On involutive monoidal categories, Theory and Applications of Categories 25 14 (2011) 368-393 [tac:25-14]

Under the cobordism hypothesis (which is a theorem certainly for the relevant case n=1n = 1), self-dual objects in symmetric monoidal \infty -categories correspond equivalently to un-oriented 1-dimensional TQFTs:

same non-topological functorial field theory

Last revised on November 7, 2023 at 11:13:35. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.