David Roberts comments on chapter 3

Comments on chapter 3 of my thesis go here.

DR: I initially was using fundamental 2-groups, but I ran into functoriality trouble (I needed to use tricategories and I’m not up to it at the moment), thus the material on pointed groupoids was in this chapter. Now, however, I don’t need it here, but will use it later. Should I put the localisation of Gpd(Top) *Gpd(Top)_* into the first chapter (where it sort of doesn’t fit because it is very specific) or give it a chapter on its own? (but it’s so tiny!)

Follow up: There is now an 'interlude' between chapters 2 and 3 containing the material on localising Gpd *(Top)Gpd_*(Top) (pointed topological groupoids and weakly pointed functors) at pointed weak equivalences

Last revised on October 1, 2009 at 12:15:28. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.