David Roberts fundamental 2-group

Quick and dirty definition

The fundamental 2-group of a pointed space (X,x)(X,x) is the monoidal groupoid Π 1(Ω xX)\Pi_1(\Omega_xX) with weak inverses given by the ‘reverse path’ map. This description was given in Carrasco-Cegarra-∞?. There was an equivalent definition given in HDA V: 2-groups, as the automorphism 2-group of the point xXx\in X, considered as an object of the fundamental bigroupoid.


The fundamental 2-group plays a role in the theory of 2-covering spaces analogous to that of that of the fundamental group in the theory of covering spaces, but the theory is not all worked out yet. See chapters 4 and 5 of my thesis.

Created on April 27, 2010 at 07:12:23. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.