David Roberts geometry on S^5

Some notes on stuff on the 5-sphere

  • There is only one nontrivial SU(2)SU(2)-bundle on S 5S^5.

  • There is only one nontrivial SO(3)SO(3)-bundle on S 5S^5, and it lifts to the previous bundle.

  • Any SU(2)SU(2)-bundle on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2 trivialises on pulling back along π:S 5ℂℙ 2\pi\colon S^5 \to \mathbb{CP}^2. Here S 5S^5 is the total space of an S 1S^1-bundle

    • This is because a) any classifying map ℂℙ 2BSU(2)\mathbb{CP}^2\to BSU(2) factors through ℂℙ 2ℂℙ 2/ℂℙ 1S 4\mathbb{CP}^2 \to \mathbb{CP}^2/\mathbb{CP}^1 \simeq S^4, the collapse of a generator of π 2\pi_2; and b) the resulting map S 5ℂℙ 2S 4S^5\to \mathbb{CP}^2\to S^4 is null-homotopic.
  • Any SO(3)SO(3)-bundle on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2, when pulled back to S 5S^5, lifts to an SU(2)SU(2)-bundle.

  • Given any fibre S 1S 5S^1\subset S^5 and classifying map S 5BSU(2)S^5 \to BSU(2) there is a canonical lift of S 1BSU(2)S^1 \to BSU(2) through B/2BSU(2)B\mathbb{Z}/2\to BSU(2). This is because S 1S^1 maps to a point in BSO(3)BSO(3) and so we get an up-to-homotopy unique map to the homotopy fibre of BSU(2)BSO(3)BSU(2) \to BSO(3).

  • SO(3)SO(3)-bundles on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2 are classified by w 2:ℂℙ 2B 2/2w_2\colon\mathbb{CP}^2 \to B^2\mathbb{Z}/2 and p 1:ℂℙ 2K(,4)p_1\colon\mathbb{CP}^2 \to K(\mathbb{Z},4), where the latter is subject to the condition p 1=𝔓(w 2)(mod4)p_1 = \mathfrak{P}(w_2) (mod 4), for 𝔓:B 2/2K(/4,4)\mathfrak{P}\colon B^2\mathbb{Z}/2 \to K(\mathbb{Z}/4,4) the Pontryagin square operation. Here “mod4mod 4” means under the map K(,4)K(/4,4)K(\mathbb{Z},4) \to K(\mathbb{Z}/4,4).

    • I guess this means that the 4-type of BSO(3)BSO(3) is K(/2,2)× K(/4,4)K(,4)K(\mathbb{Z}/2,2) \times_{K(\mathbb{Z}/4,4)} K(\mathbb{Z},4). I need to get at the 5-type, most notably the next kk-invariant, k 5k^5.

    • Antieau and Williams show this is not trivial, and identify the other independent elements, namely w 2 3w_2^3 and (Sq 1w 2) 2(Sq_1 w_2)^2. In particular, k 5k^5 is not either of those.

    • Might it be something like w 2p 1(mod2)w_2 p_1 (mod 2)? Note that by the description of H *(K(/2,2),/2)H^*(K(\mathbb{Z}/2,2),\mathbb{Z}/2), it can’t come from a class there, like the other two basis elements for H 6(BSO(3),/2)H^6(BSO(3),\mathbb{Z}/2) do.

  • Note that w 2/2w_2\in \mathbb{Z}/2 when working on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2. And so one has p 1=0,1(mod4)p_1 = 0, 1 (mod 4).

  • So if I have an SO(3)SO(3)-bundle on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2 which lifts to an SU(2)SU(2)-bundle, i.e. w 2=0w_2=0, then its pullback to S 5S^5 trivialises.

  • I would like to know what happens when I pull back an SO(3)SO(3)-bundle with w 2=1w_2=1 - will it never trivialise? Or depending on parity? Or always?

    • I think the answer must have something to do with cohomology operations, in particular the kk-invariant k 5H 6(K(/2,2)× K(/4,4)K(,4),/2)k^5\in H^6(K(\mathbb{Z}/2,2) \times_{K(\mathbb{Z}/4,4)} K(\mathbb{Z},4),\mathbb{Z}/2), or equivalently a map
K(/2,2)× K(/4,4)K(,4)K(/2,6) K(\mathbb{Z}/2,2) \times_{K(\mathbb{Z}/4,4)} K(\mathbb{Z},4) \to K(\mathbb{Z}/2,6)
  • The moduli space of SO(3)SO(3)-instantons of p 1=kp_1=k on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2 has dimension 2k32k - 3, and we can only have k=0,1(mod4)k=0,1 (mod 4), so it is inahbited only for k4k\geq 4 (cf Buchdahl Instantons on CP 2\mathbf{CP}^2). In particular, one must take k=5k=5 to get a non-liftable SO(3)SO(3)-bundle.

  • If the nontrivial SO(3)SO(3)-bundle on S 5S^5 arises as a pullback from ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2 of a bundle with p 15p_1\geq 5, then there are SO(3)SO(3) instantons on S 5S^5, and in particular, SU(2)SU(2) instantons, since the connection clearly lifts to an SU(2)SU(2) connection on the (unique) lifted bundle.

  • Every SO(3)=PU(2)SO(3)=PU(2)-bundle on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2 can be lifted to a U(2)U(2)-bundle. The obstruction to restricting to an SU(2)SU(2)-bundle is identical to the obstruction to lift the original bundle to such a thing.

  • Then w 2w_2 is the mod 2 reduction of the first Chern class of the U(2)U(2) bundle (and presumably p 1p_1 is c 2c_2).

  • We could then repeat the analysis using U(2)U(2)-bundles pulled back to S 5S^5.

  • The tangent bundle of S 5S^5 is in some sense detected by the secondary cohomology class Φ (2)\Phi_{(2)} of Petersen and Stein (_Annals_ 1962). In particular, it can see that TS 5TS^5 reduces to a rank-4 bundle (hence the SU(2)SU(2)-bundle we know and love, but it can’t see this as far as I can tell), but doesn’t reduce to a rank-3 bundle.

  • However, they only show that Φ (2)\Phi_{(2)} is nontrivial by appealing to known results about non-existence of nonzero sections of the resulting rank-4 bundle, rather than calculating Φ (2)\Phi_{(2)}.

  • Also, Φ (2)(P)H 5(S 5,/2)\Phi_{(2)}(P) \in H^5(S^5,\mathbb{Z}/2) is the pullback along S 5BString(3)S^5 \to BString(3) of the extension along K(,4)BString(3)K(\mathbb{Z},4) \hookrightarrow BString(3) of K(,4)K(/2,4)Sq 2K(/2,6)K(\mathbb{Z},4) \to K(\mathbb{Z}/2,4) \stackrel{Sq^2}{\to} K(\mathbb{Z}/2,6). This doesn’t seem like it could detect a nontrivial w 2w_2 down on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2!

  • One thing Nick suggested is to see if one can build an arbitrary U(2)U(2)-bundle on ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2 by deleting a point and gluing two trivial bundles along a ball surrounding it, twisted in some sense by the (nontrivial) line bundle given by S 5ℂℙ 2S^5 \to \mathbb{CP}^2, which is the extension of the Hopf fibration, and what c 1c_1 detects (and which survives to give a nontrivial w 2w_2, as an SO(3)SO(3)-bundle).

  • Given such an explicit realisation, one could then pull this back, along with the gluing data, to S 5S^5 and see if it becomes trivial there.

  • The nontrivial U(2)U(2)-bundle on S 5S^5 is U(3)S 5U(3) \to S^5.

  • One could ask whether there is descent data for this bundle to ℂℙ 2\mathbb{CP}^2, for instance depending on an integer, which would become (if this worked) c 2c_2 of the descended bundle.

Two options: either a bundle survives, in which case I know there is an instanton, or no bundle survives, in which case if I find an instanton it would be potentially a new result about the moduli space of such on S 5S^5.

Last revised on September 25, 2016 at 13:47:56. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.