David Roberts pseudoinverse

In a bicategory BB a pseudoinverse to a 1-arrow f:xyf:x \to y is a 1-arrow g:yxg:y \to x such that there are invertible 2-cells a:fgida:fg \Rightarrow id, b:gfidb:gf \Rightarrow id. Clearly a pseudoinverse exists if and only if ff is an equivalence.

More generally…

A lax-inverse to a 1-arrow in a bicategory is the same except aa and bb are not required to be invertible. For example, one half of an adjunction is lax-inverse to the other half, but not all lax inverses are of this form, as they are not required to satisfy the triangle identities.

Remark: If the bicategory in question is the 2-category CatCat of small categories, then the geometric realisation of a lax-inverse is a homotopy equivalence. There is also a version of this for categories internal to Top.

Created on February 27, 2009 at 04:00:41. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.