Eric Forgy Crossed Category

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Under Construction



A crossed category is to a strict 2-category as a crossed module is to a strict 2-group. In fact, since a strict 2-group is a special case of a strict 2-category where all morphisms are invertible, we will show that a crossed module is a special case of a crossed category.


A crossed category (C,D,s,t,η)(C,D,s,t,\eta) consists of two categories CC, DD, two functors s,t:DCs,t:D\to C, and a natural transformation η:st\eta:s\Rightarrow t.

With only a slight abuse of notation, we can identify the components of η\eta with their respective objects thus identifying objects of DD with morphisms of CC. This is justified since it amounts to writing a morphism fCf\in C as

η f=f:s(f)t(f),\eta_f = f:s(f)\to t(f),

where we think of the functor ss as the source of ff and tt as the target of ff.

Given a morphism fgf\to g in DD, it follows from naturality that

t(fg)f=gs(fg).t(f\to g)\circ f = g\circ s(f\to g).

Relation to Crossed Modules

Given groups GG and HH, the crossed category (BG,BH,s,t,η)(\mathbf{B}G,\mathbf{B}H,s,t,\eta) is equivalent to a crossed module (G,H,t,α)(G,H,t,\alpha).

First, note that homomorphisms between groups are equivalent to functors between 1-object groupoids. I’m not sure if this is coincidence or not, but the homomorphism

t:HGt:H\to G

corresponds to the functor


To be continued…

Created on August 19, 2010 at 10:56:39 by Eric Forgy