Eric Forgy Notes on Grothendieck Topologies, Fibered Categories and Descent Theory

This pages represents notes to myself (anyone is more than welcome to comment) as I attempt to read through Chapter 2 of

I like to draw pictures to help me understand things, so as I go through the paper, I will try to draw some illustration for the main concepts.

Hom C(U,X)Hom_C(U,X)

The set of morphisms in a category CC between objects UU and XX will be depicted by a ball of “strands”, i.e. morphisms stretching between the two objects.

h X=Hom C(,X)h_X = Hom_C(-,X)

Instead of calling h X=Hom C(,X)h_X = Hom_C(-,X) a functor h X:C opSeth_X:C^{op}\to Set, I’d like to see how far I can get by calling it a contravariant functor h X:CSeth_X:C\to Set instead. Contravariant functors seem more intuitive to me than opposite categories.

This contravariant functor h Xh_X sends the object UU to the set of morphisms Hom C(U,X)Hom_C(U,X) as illustrated below.

h Xα:h XUh XUh_X\alpha: h_X U\to h_X U'

A morphism α:UU\alpha: U'\to U in CC gets sent to the function in the opposite direction h Xα:h XUh XUh_X\alpha: h_X U\to h_X U' in SetSet.

To see this, note that the morphism α:UU\alpha: U'\to U effectively pulls (“combs”) the strands in Hom C(U,X)Hom_C(U,X) back to strands in Hom C(U,X)Hom_C(U',X) (kind of like a “ponytail”) via

h f:h Xh Yh_f: h_X\to h_Y

A morphism f:XYf:X\to Y in CC induces a natural transformation

h f:h Xh Y.h_f:h_X\to h_Y.

To see this, note the morphism f:XYf:X\to Y effectively pushes (“combs”) the strands in Hom C(U,X)Hom_C(U,X) forward to strands in Hom C(U,Y)Hom_C(U,Y) via

For this to be a natural transformation, we need to have the commuting diagram

h XU h fU h YU h Xα h Yα h XU h fU h YU\array{ h_X U & \stackrel{h_f U}{\rightarrow} & h_Y U \\ \mathllap{h_X\alpha\quad}{\downarrow} & {} & \mathrlap{\downarrow}{\quad h_Y\alpha} \\ h_X U' & \stackrel{h_f U'}{\rightarrow} & h_Y U' }

but this simply means that it doesn’t matter if we first “comb” the strands back to UU' and then comb the strands forward to YY, or comb the strands forward to YY first and then comb the strands back to UU'

which follows from associativity of morphisms in CC.

Revised on May 22, 2010 at 16:14:01 by Eric Forgy