Higher Structure Conferences sms2018 (Rev #7, changes)

Showing changes from revision #6 to #7: Added | Removed | Changed

Derived Geometry and Higher Categorical Structures in Geometry and Physics

SMS 2018 Seminaire de Mathematiques Supeieures

Fields Institute, June 11th – June 22th, 2018, two weeks summer school, a part of the Fields focus program on `Poisson Geometry and Physics' (June 1 - July 31 2018).

Confirmed Mini course speakers:

The official webpage in Fields is here . The Here funding you application may page register will and come apply soon. for funding.

The official webpage in MSRI is here . Here you may already also register and apply for funding from MSRI to attend this school. We have two different funding sources this time, therefore different websites. In the end, we will merge the funding decision.

Organising Committee: Anton Alekseev (University of Geneva), Ruxandra Moraru (University of Waterloo), Chenchang Zhu (University of Gottingen).

Revision on January 22, 2018 at 08:13:39 by Chenchang Zhu. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.