Have incorporated everything into the relevant CT pages.
Brilliant historical background on Chow groups. Mention of Milnor K-theory and Rost’s cycle complexes, and Gersten’s conjecture.
Chow groups
Dimension and codimension
Dimension relative to a base
Cartier divisors
Cap products with Cartier divisors and the divisor homomorphism
Rational equivalence
Basic properties of Chow groups
K-theory and intersection multiplicities
Serr’s Tor formula
with supports
The coniveau and the gamma filtations
Complexes computing Chow groups
Higher rational equivalence and Milnor K-theory
Rost’s axiomatics
Higher algebraic K-theory and Chow groups
Stable homotopy theory
Filtrations on cohomology of simplicial sheaves
Including various spectral sequences
Review of basic notions of K-theory
Quillen’s spectral sequence
K-theory and sheaf cohomology
Gersten’s conjecture, Bloch’s formula, and the Comparison of spectral sequences
The coniveau spectral sequence for other cohomology theories
It seems like Bloch-Ogus theories satisfy the Gersten conjecture, which has consequences for the coniveau filtration. Also identification of various spectral sequences (Leray, hypercohomology, coniveau).
Compatibility with products and localized intersection
Other cases of Gersten’s conjecture
Operations on the Quillen spectral sequence
The multiplicativity of the coniveau filtration: a proof using deformation to the normal cone
Bloch’s formula and singular varieties
Cohomology versus homology
Chow cohomology…
Local complete intersection subschemes and other cocycles
Chow groups of singular surfaces
Intersection theory of stacks
Chow groups for smooth Deligne-Mumford stacks. Discussion of weaker form of Bloch’s formula.
Deformation to the normal cone
Envelopes and hyperenvelopes
nLab page on 4 Memo notes Gillet
Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13
Andreas Holmström