Algebraic geometry
FGA EGA SGA english index
Add good introductory references. Should include:
Vakil: New revised book/course notes, see his blog.
Mumford’s Red Book
Cox, Little, O'Shea: Ideals, varieties and algorithms
Dieudonne: History of AG
Putinar and Sullivant ed: Emerging applications of algebraic geometry
FGA, in folder AG/Various. Grothendieck topologies and stacks, Hilbert and Quot schemes, elementary deformation theory, Grothendieck’s existence thm in formal geometry, the Picard scheme, summary of intersection theory.
Totaro recommends Lazarsfeld: Positivity
Many useful insights are listed here: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/28496/what-should-be-learned-in-a-first-serious-schemes-course
Bourbaki seminars possibly of some interest:
Exp 37: Quelques varietes usuelles en G.A.
exp 49: Hyperplane sections of normal varieties
Exp 53: Picard vareity and Neron-Severi group
Exp 71: Serre: Cohomology and complex variables
Exp 72: Weil on Picard varieties and jacobians
Exp 75: Equivalence relations on algebraic curves having multiple points
Exp 66: Neron on arithmetic
Exp 77: Serre: Cohomology and arithmetic
Exp 78: Thom on subvarieties and homologu classes of differentiable varieties
Possibly 84 and 85
Exp 86: Samuel: Les fonctions holomorphes abstraites de Zariski
Exp 88: Travaux de Hirzebruch sur la topologie des varietes
Exp 89: Thom
Exp 94: The Enriques-Severi Lemma
Exp 95: Analytic sheaves
Exp 99: Travaux de Zariski sur Hilbert 14.
Books in the folder AG/Introductory (only the most interesting listed)
Abhyankar: AG for scientists and engineers. Very down-to-earth, actually quite nice! Goes up to RoS for surfaces and similar things.
AG1 by Shokurov and Danilov: Basic theory of curves and Jacobians. Basic theory of varieties, some schemes at the end.
Dieudonne: Algebraic Geometry. Notes in English surveying EGA I-III. (Course notes from Maryland)
Dieudonne: Fondements de la GA Moderne. Continuation of the Maryland notes. Together these two sets of notes seem like a marvellous route into EGA.
Dolgachev Topics in Classical AG: Polarity, Conics, Plane cubics, Determinental equations, Theta characteristics, Plane quartics, Planar Cremona transformations, Del Pezza surfaces, Cubic surfaces, Automorphisms of Del Pezzo surfaces, Geometry of Lines.
Eisenbud-Harris: The geometry of schemes. Excellent book.
Harder: Lectures on AG (Vol 1 out of 3 planned): Basic homological algebra, sheaf theory, cohomology of sheaves, Riemanns surfaces and AVs
Harris: First course. Classical, no schemes, many examples.
Parshin-Shafarevich AG III. Covers Hodge theory, periods, curves and Jacobians.
Ravi Vakil book project
Shafarevich ed AG II. Covers cohomology and algebraic surfaces.
There is one big file with all the Russian AG books (I-V), ed Shafarevich
Thomas Zeta functions. Contains basic function field arithmetic and some stuff on Weil conjectures.
nLab page on Algebraic geometry
Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13
Andreas Holmström