Holmstrom Chow groups

Chow groups

Following Levine’s chapter in K-theory handbook. We consider a field kk and a kk-scheme XX of finite type. We define groups CH p(X,n)CH_p(X,n), and for XX locally equidimensional over kk, also groups CH p(X,n)CH^p(X,n), for nn a natural number. The classical Chow groups are CH p(X,0)CH_p(X,0).

Functoriality for CH pCH_p: (Might be an error here, compare with another source.) Pushforwards for proper map, and pullbacks for equidimensional l.c.i. map increasing degree by dd, where dd is the fiber dimension.

Possibly, to get nice functorial properties for CH p(,n)CH^p(-, n) we might have to restrict attention to Sm kSm_k.

On page 442, there is a discussion on more general domain cats: schemes essentially of finite type over kk, schemes of finite type over a regular base of Krull dimensions one.

Chow groups

The Milnor-Chow homomorphism revisited, by Moritz Kerz and Stefan Mueller-Stach: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0767

Grothendieck defined, for a nonsingular variety, Chern classes of vector bundles c P(E)CH p(X)c_P(E) \in CH^p(X). Composing these with the cycle class map, I would guess that one obtains Chern classes in any cohomology theory with a cycle class map.

Chow groups

Gillet: K-theory and Intersection theory (looks excellent)

Something might be in here.

A very intereting paper by Joshua on motivic DGA.

Chow groups

There is also a brief intro in Lectures on Arakelov geometry, in Chapter I, including Chow groups with supports, explicit def of rational equivalence, and relation to K-theory.

category: [Private] Notes

Chow groups


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arXiv: Experimental full text search

arXiv: Abstract search

category: Search results

Chow groups

AG (Algebraic geometry)

category: World [private]

Chow groups

Homotopy invariance and localization. See Levine (page 443). Also Mayer-Vietoris long exact seq. Products. Projective bundle formula.

The Kunneth formula fails for Chow groups, at least over the complex numbers. Counterexample: See Totaro’s Algebraic cycles exam, there one shows that the natural homomorphism CH *(E) CH *(E)CH *(E×E)CH^*(E) \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} CH^*(E) \to CH^*(E \times E) is not surjective.

category: Properties

Chow groups

Levine in K-theory handbook.

My own notes from Totaro’s course, spring 2008.

Seminaire Chevalley: Anneaux de Chow et applications (1958)

Soulé et al: Lectures on Arakelov Geometry. First chapter treats intersection theory for an arbitrary regular noetherian finite-dimensional scheme.

What about Bloch: An elementary presentation… (in Motives vol)?

category: Paper References

Chow groups

Mixed, Pure

category: Labels [private]

Chow groups

Steenrod operations

The Bloch-Beilinson filtration. Some interesting material in Nagel and Peters: Algebraic cycles and motives, volume II.

Shuji Saito on filtration

Jannsen: Motivic sheaves and filtrations on Chow groups (Motives vol)

Chow groups

See also Algebraic cycles, Higher Chow groups, Chow homology, Chow groups with coefficients, Chow cohomology

Chow groups

Asakura and Saito on surfaces over p-adic fields with very infinite Chow groups of 0-cycles. No Cam subscription to Algebra and N Th. review. The review and abstract mentions related finiteness problems, for example Srinivas and Rosenschon.

Chow groups

The Chow groups and the motive of the Hilbert scheme of points on a surface, by Mark Andrea de Cataldo and Luca Migliorini: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0415

Saito: On the bijectivity of some cycle maps (in Motives vol)

Pedrini and Weibel: K-theory and Chow groups on singular varieties (1986)

Roberts: Chow’s moving lemma. (Appendix to Kleiman’s Motives article in the Oslo volume)

Saito et al: We study the higher Chow groups CH^2(X,1) and CH^3(X,2) of smooth, projective algebraic surfaces over a field of char 0.

The oriented Chow ring, by J. Fasel

Chow rings of excellent quadrics, by Nobuaki Yagita: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0787

MR1780429 (2001m:11106) Otsubo, Noriyuki(J-TOKYO) Selmer groups and zero-cycles on the Fermat quartic surface.

Soulé: Groupes de Chow et K-théorie de varietes sur un corps fini (1984)

Biswat and Srinivas: The Chow ring of a singular surface

Kresch: Canonical rational equivalence of intersections of divisors (1999)

Roberts: Recent developments on Serre’s multiplicity conjectures: Gabber’s proof of the nonnegativity conjecture (1998)

Complex varieties for which the Chow group mod n is not finite (2002)

Laterveer: Algebraic varieties with small Chow groups. Discusses things related to “representability of Chow groups”, and the Hodge conjecture.

Green, Griffiths: Formal Deformation of Chow Groups. In Abel volume.

Chow groups


Chow groups

Several papers by Akhtar on K-theory archive.

http://mathoverflow.net/questions/99897/examples-of-chow-rings-of-surfaces mentions surfaces over finite fields


arXiv:1207.4703 On the Chow groups of certain geometrically rational 5-folds fra arXiv Front: math.NT av Ambrus Pal We give an explicit regular model for the quadric fibration studied in Pirutka (2011). As an application we show that this construction furnishes a counterexample for the integral Tate conjecture in any odd characteristic for some sufficiently large finite field. We study the étale cohomology of this regular model, and as a consequence we derive that these counterexamples are not torsion.

arXiv:1206.2704 On the torsion of Chow groups of Severi-Brauer varieties fra arXiv Front: math.AG av Sanghoon Baek For a large class of central simple algebras we provide upper bounds for the annihilators of the torsion subgroups of the Chow groups of the corresponding Severi-Brauer varieties.

nLab page on Chow groups

Created on June 10, 2014 at 21:14:54 by Andreas Holmström