Holmstrom DVD info

google blank dvd, dvd cases

Should use DVD-R for use in older readers

a dvd in a standard case might weigh 2oz, i.e. 56g. With a bubbled envelope it can be 4.3oz, so 120g approx. Another page says: a dvd = 20g.

Foljande site saljer fodral for 10p styck ungefar. Aven billiga dubbel- och multifodral. dvd-skivor for 11-20p each. http://www.dvdshoponline.co.uk/Black_DVD_Cases.html?gclid=CLWpxJWSj5cCFQoh3godaz-sDA

Airmail prices from UK: http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/content1?mediaId=53800712&catId=400036

E.g one 120g small packet to rest of the world costs £1.87. One 1000g small packet costs £11.27 One 500g: £6.07

First of all the reason the following discs are better is because they are made in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore. Not in China. In Japan, Taiwan, and Singaporemuch better materials and facilities are used.

Check to make sure the following brands are made in one of these countries: Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and India.

Top Brands: -Pi0neer -M1tsubishi Chemicals -M1tsubishi-Kagaku Media -Verbat1m -Ta1yo Yuden -Hitach1 Maxell

In my opinion Verbat1m is cheap, but still good quality. Ta1yo Yuden gives the most bang for the buck. 200 Ta1yo Yuden discs can be bought offline for 40$.

nLab page on DVD info

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas Holmström