See Toen: Essen talk, for intro to his ideas, including refs to dg schemes, and a reasonable amount of substance on derived moduli stacks towards the end.
An excellent introduction to derived AG is the CRM 2008 notes, in Toen web unpublished folder. These notes also covers algebraic stacks, the idea of moduli spaces, a little about cotangent complexes, and examples of derived algebraic stacks.
nlab on derived noncomm geom
nlab on DAG
arXiv:1208.6325 Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch for derived schemes from arXiv Front: math.AG by Parker Lowrey, Timo Schürg We define bivariant algebraic K-theory and bivariant derived Chow on the homotopy category of derived schemes over a smooth base. The orientation on the latter corresponds to virtual Gysin homomorphisms. We then provide a morphism between these two bivariant theories and compare the two orientations. This comparison then yields a homological and cohomological Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula for virtual classes.
nLab page on Derived algebraic geometry