Holmstrom Galois representations

See reference list for the study group on Langlands, I think in an email from Tobias Berger

Galois rep folder under N TH

Taylor articles

Possibly of some interest: book by Snaith: Topological methods in Galois rep theory, late 80s

Strauch reference list



Title: Modular forms of weight one: Galois representations and dimension Authors: Denis Trotabas The present notes are the expanded and polished version of three lectures given in Stanford, concerning the analytic and arithmetic properties of weight one modular forms. The author tried to write them in a style accessible to non-analytically oriented number theoritists: in particular, some effort is made to be precise on statements involving uniformity in the parameters. On the other hand, another purpose was to provide an introduction, together with a set of references, consciously kept small, to the realm of Galois representations, for non-algebraists – like the author. The proofs are sketched, at best, but we tried to motivate the results, and to relate them to interesting conjectures. http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.4579

[arXiv:1207.6724] Variations on a theorem of Tate fra arXiv Front: math.NT av Stefan Patrikis Let FF be a number field. These notes explore Galois-theoretic, automorphic, and motivic analogues and refinements of Tate’s basic result that continuous projective representations Gal(F¯/F)PGL n(C)Gal(\bar{F}/F) \to PGL_n(C) lift to GL n(C)GL_n(C). We take special interest in the interaction of this result with algebraicity (on the automorphic side) and geometricity (in the sense of Fontaine-Mazur). On the motivic side, we study refinements and generalizations of the classical Kuga-Satake construction. Some auxiliary results touch on: possible infinity-types of algebraic automorphic representations; comparison of the automorphic and Galois “Tannakian formalisms”; monodromy (independence-of-\ell) questions for abstract Galois representations.

nLab page on Galois representations

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas Holmström