It is not clear to me what the relation is between Jardine’s concept and the theories represented by objects in Quick’s stable homotopy category.
We follow chapter 6 of Jardine: Generalized etale cohomology theories.
A gen. etale cohomology theory is a graded group , which is associated to a presheaf of spectra on an etale site for a scheme . It arises from the homotopy category of presheaves of spectra on the underlying site for . If consists of presheaves of Kan complexes, then is a graded group consisting of morphisms in the associated stable category in the sense that
where is the constant presheaf associated to the ordinary sphere spectrum .
Formal definition of in terms of stable homotopy groups of global sections for a globally fibrant model of .
Construction of the etale cohomological descent spectral sequence:
under some hyps. (Use Postnikov resolutions)
Finite approximation technique for computing the groups
Special case: is a field. In this the case the category of sheaves on the etale site of can be identified with the classifying topos of the absolute Galois group of . More on generalized Galois cohomology theories.
Discussion of Cech cohomology.
Chapter 7: We give proof of Thomason’s descent theorem for the Bott periodic K-theory of fields and its corollaries. Outline due to Thomason, but we use homotopy theory of presheaves of spectra (smash products) and the Gabber rigidity theorem.
A generalized etale cohomology theory, according to Jardine, is a cohomology theory which is represented by a presheaf of spectra on some étale site. Examples: etale K-theory, etale cohomology.
arXiv: Experimental full text search
AG (Algebraic geometry)
nLab page on Generalized etale cohomology