Holmstrom Hochschild homology

Hochschild homology

See Ostvaer for an introduction to maps from algebraic K-theory to Hochschild homology (Dennis trace map), topological Hochschild homology, and topological cyclic homology (cyclotomic trace map). These fit into a commutative diagram with maps from TC to THH and from THH to HH.

Hochschild homology

Karoubi and Lambre on the Dennis trace map and algebraic number theory.

Nistor on the Hochschild homology of Hecke algebras

Hochschild homology

Hochschild, Kostant, Rosenberg: Differential forms on regular affine algebras. (Does this belong in this page???)

category: [Private] Notes

Hochschild homology

Chapter 9 in Weibel: An introduction to homological algebra.

category: Paper References

Hochschild homology


Google Scholar


arXiv: Experimental full text search

arXiv: Abstract search

category: Search results

Hochschild homology

NCG (Algebra and noncommutative geometry)

category: World [private]

Hochschild homology

Cortinas and Weibel: Homology of Azumaya algebras. Describes the Hochschild homology of Azumaya algs. It seems like there is a “reduced trace map isomorphism” between the HH of a matrix algebra over a ring and HH of the ring.

Hochschild homology

Kazhdan et al: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0222

K-regularity, cdh-fibrant Hochschild homology, and a conjecture of Vorst , by G. Cortinas , C. Haesemeyer , and C. A. Weibel: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0783

E_n homology as functor homology http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0907.1283

Talk by Greg Ginot - Derived Higher Hochschild theory. Abstract: Recently, various homology (or rather objects of some derived category) inspired by topological field theories have emerged, for instance Costello-Gwilliam factorization algebras. Another one of this is given by higher Hochschild homology; this is a (derived) bifunctor associated to topological spaces and commutative differential graded algebras (=CDGA) with value in CDGA, which coincides with the usual Hochshcild complex when applied to a circle. We gave an axiomatic characterization of this bifunctor (as well as some nice corollaries of it) and explain its close relationship with locally constant factorization algebras. The key idea is to use a locality axiom which also implies a close relationship with Lurie’s Topological chiral homology.

Hochschild homology

For a def in a very general context, see http://mathoverflow.net/questions/55018/tropical-homological-algebra

category: Definition

Hochschild homology



nLab page on Hochschild homology

Created on June 10, 2014 at 21:14:54 by Andreas Holmström