arXiv:1002.1423 The Étale Homotopy Type and Obstructions to the Local-Global Principle from arXiv Front: math.AT by Yonatan Harpaz, Tomer M. Schlank In 1969 Artin and Mazur defined the étale homotopy type of an algebraic variety [AMa69]. In this paper we define various obstructions to the local-global principle on a variety over a global field using the étale homotopy type of and the concept of homotopy fixed points. We investigate relations between those “homotopy obstructions” and connect them to various known obstructions such as the Brauer -Manin obstruction, the étale-Brauer obstruction and finite descent obstructions. This gives a reinterpretation of known arithmetic obstructions in terms of homotopy theory.
nLab page on Obstructions?