(Here is a natural isomorphism)
The main point of the above definition is that a left (right) Quillen functor preserves cofibrant (fibrant) objects and WEs between them.
Notation: We write for the unit map and for the counit map.
Example: Take to be geometric realization, and to be singular complex. This gives a Quillen adjunction from to .
Example: Diagonal functor and product functor, or coproduct functor and diagonal functor.
Example: Disjoint basepoint functor and forgetful functor.
We can define the 2-category of model categories, using Quillen adjunctions as morphisms.
There is also a notion of Quillen adjunction of two variables, sometimes the left adjoint occurring in this definition is called a Quillen bifunctor. See Hovey, section 4.2.
In Goerss-Schemmerhorn, p. 20, there is a theorem describing how an adjoint pair can allow us to lift a model category structure from one category to another. Example: non-negatively graded cdga’s get a model structure from the category of chain complexes, when the base field has char zero but not when it has char 2.
nLab page on Quillen functor