Holmstrom Schmidt homology

Schmidt homology

Also called Singular homology of arithmetic schemes.

Schmidt homology

Arithmetic schemes?

Schmidt homology

What is the relation with http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0560?

Unrelated but interesting: p-adic étale Tate twists and arithmetic duality, by Kanetomo Sato, http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0801

category: [Private] Notes

Schmidt homology

Schmidt, extended version here. “We construct a singular homology theory on the category of schemes of finite type over a Dedekind domain and verify several basic properties.”

Schmidt homology


Google Scholar


arXiv: Experimental full text search

arXiv: Abstract search

category: Search results

Schmidt homology

AAG (Arithmetic algebraic geometry)

category: World [private]

Schmidt homology


category: Labels [private]

nLab page on Schmidt homology

Created on June 10, 2014 at 21:14:54 by Andreas Holmström