[CDATAFor skeleta, see Goerss-Jardine chapter VII.]
Beatrice R Gonzalez on simplicial descent categories. Discusses homotopical structures on a category and on the category of simplicial objects in a category. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0808.3684
A simplicial object in a category is a functor . A cosimplicial object is a functor .
Here is the category of objects and morphisms the weakly order-preserving maps, i.e. maps such that implies . Note that every such map can be factored uniquely as an injective map followed by a surjective map. The category is generated by the injective maps and the surjective maps satisfying the cosimplicial identities.
A simplicial object is given by objects for each non-negative , together with face maps () and degeneracy maps (), which must satisfy the simplicial identities:
A map of simplicial objects is equivalent to a collection of maps commuting with the face and degeneracy maps.
Notes from Goerss and Schemmerhorn: Description and handling of skeletons, using Kan extensions. One considers a complete and cocomplete category, and simplicial objects in this category. Latching and matching objects. Applications to lifting problems, by induction. When our category has enough colimits, have a notion of geometric realization from to . If is a model category, this can be made into a Quillen functor. Description of the (Reedy?) model category structure on . If is cofibrant, then it is also cofibrant in the Reedy model structure. This is not true for fibrant. More details on this.
nLab page on Simplicial object