arXiv:1006.4347 Topological Hochschild Homology of as a module from arXiv Front: math.AT by Samik Basu Let be an -ring spectrum. Given a map from a space to , one can construct a Thom spectrum, , which generalises the classical notion of Thom spectrum for spherical fibrations in the case , the sphere spectrum. If is a loop space () and is homotopy equivalent to for a map from to , then the Thom spectrum has an -ring structure. The Topological Hochschild Homology of these -ring spectra is equivalent to the Thom spectrum of a map out of the free loop space of
This paper considers the case , , the p-adic -theory spectrum, and . The associated Thom spectrum is equivalent to the mod p -theory spectrum . The map is homotopy equivalent to a loop map, so the Thom spectrum has an -ring structure. I will compute using its description as a Thom spectrum.
nLab page on Thom spectra