Some computations by Lazarev
Lars Hesselholt, Stable topological cyclic homology is topological Hochschild homology (8–9, 175–192)
arXiv: Experimental full text search
CT (Category theory)?, AT (Algebraic topology)?, AG (Algebraic geometry)?, NCG (Algebra and noncommutative geometry)?
Toen and Vezzosi: Algebraic geometry over model categories. Early paper, looks very nice! Applications to interpreting DG-schemes, and to defining etale K-theory of E-infty algebras. Expectation to extend the classical work for E-infty algebras to the more general setting of AG over a model cat, for the following concepts: tangent Lie algebra, cotangent complex, Hochschild cohom, K-theory, A-Q cohomology. Would like to do AG over a symmetric monoidal infty-cat, need strictification results. An E-infty alg should be a monoid in a SM infty-cat. Pp 34: Short nice review of operads and E-infty stuff.
nLab page on Topological Hochschild cohomology