Holmstrom Various tips and tricks

book.huhiho.com/ or book.leechvideo.com/

yes … 1- Search Google books till you get the link of the book you like http://books.google.com/ For example: http://books.google.com/books?id=ubtMpW5BWVwC see how many pages it has (895 pages) 2- Put the link in the download box of any of the following sites: http://book.huhiho.com/ http://book.leechvideo.com/ 3- Click Get , you will see it Loading…….. wait till it reaches the last page then it will pop up “Finished”


4- Install FlashGet. & If you’re using Firefox, you’ll need to install FlashGot extension. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/220/#install-55052 Internet Explorer Users : Select all pages, right-click, choose Download All with FlashGet Firefox Users : Select all pages, right-click, choose FlashGot Selection Press OK to start downloading 5- After the downloading is finished, If you have FireFox with FlashGot extension: Extract the file attached here into the folder containing the downloaded files then Click it, and it will rename all files to make them JPG pictures If you have FlashGet: Open it, left panel, click Downloaded folder. Select all pages of the book, right-click, choose Rename -> Comment As Filename

6- You can combine Images into a PDF file directly using Adobe Acrobat Professional but, if you want a PDF file that can be edited and you can copy text from it , you should do as follows: Open Fine Abbyy Reader > Click File > Click Open PDF/Image> Select all images> Click Read ALL

Thanks to my friend AMIR

but another simply method is: 1 go to the internet explorer temporary files (C:\Documents and Settings"user“\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5) 2 delete all temp file 3 go to google books (direct to the book link) 4 see pages in the png files in the temp folders, if you zooming the book, you can get bigger pictures

it’s a manual method, but this way work for me


top 10 proxy forum

1- http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page1.html 2- http://www.atomintersoft.com/products/alive-proxy/proxy-list/ 3- http://www.bismark.it/proxylist/ 4- http://www.cybersyndrome.net/pla.html 5- http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html 6- http://www.proxyblind.org/phpBB2/ 7- http://www.proxywhois.com/transparent-proxy-list.htm 8- http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html 9- http://www.stayinvisible.com/index.pl/proxy_list 10- http://www.samair.ru/proxy/

Rapidshare search engine

Rapidshare search engine

http://www.rapidsharefiles.net/ http://www.rapidshare-search.com/ http://www.rapidsearch.org/ http://www.rapidfox.net/ (推荐) http://shareminer.com/ http://www.funfail.com/ (Yanni 朋友推荐) http://www.rapidsharer.org 可以搜索 rapidshare.de 和 rapidshare.com 上的文件 http://www.rapidexplorer.net/ (dragon朋友推荐) http://www.freechinaguide.com/search (azoka朋友推荐) http://www.splygle.com/rapidsearch.htm well there’s this one http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/ and the list provided here http://tinyurl.com/35t7pc http://keznews.com/4658_Rapidshare_Search_Engines_to_Search__Find_and_Download_Files_from_RapidShare

Thx I will try : advices are + or - favorable Best is: “one of the best i’ve used is http://www.rapidsharesearch.co.uk - dead links are pruned every hour and it’s not the usual ‘powered by google’ sponsored results that anyone can find using, err google! ”

but it s only rapidshare oriented

http://www.sci-lib.com/ - Nearly 2000 scanned books (more than 11 GB) on mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, medicine, programming, etc. http://aleria.net/books/udc/5 - Links to several thousand books on various science fields. http://homelab.atspace.com/library.html - The collection of books on physics, biology and chemistry. http://nehudlit.ru/ - Most scientific and technical library. http://techlibrary.ru/ - Nearly half thousands of books in mathematics and physics. http://www.vilenin.narod.ru/Mm/Books/Books.htm - A large number of books on mathematics and physics: mathematical analysis, differential equations, differential geometry and topology, mate. physics, the theoretical mechanics, the theory of fluctuations, sustainability and disasters, etc. In total 212 names. This impression that the man crawled all their homework scientific library. Not all books are available for immediate downloading, but the author promises to spread them at the request of visitors. Mirror: http://sky.kuban.ru/Phys-Math/vilenin/Mm/Books/Books.htm. http://da8.boom.ru/ct/Katalog.htm - Structured on sections of references to books of some twenty electronic research libraries. Basically, physics and mathematics, there is little astronomy. http://lib.prometey.org/ - In the scientific section of the library presented a lot of books on mathematics, physics, biology and a number of other fronts. http://lib.org.by/ - Universal library literature. http://physics-of-molecules.odessit.org/frame.php?name=library/books/index&title=%C3%90%C2%9A%C3%90%C2%BD%C3%90%C2%B8%C3%90%C2%B3%C3%90%C2%B8 - Many books on quantum mechanics, chemical physics and physical chemistry, quantum chemistry, molecular spectroscopy. 25 books on biophysics. http://eqworld.ipmnet.ru/ru/library.htm - Quite a lot of books on mathematics and physics. http://graphics.cs.msu.ru/ru/library/index.html - Books, manuals and lecture on computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, computational geometry. http://www.umup.narod.ru/ - A large but poorly structured collection of books. A lot of literature on the basics of programming and algorithms, methods of computing and digital signal processing. Much technical literature. http://www.scintific.narod.ru/nlib/ - More than fifty books on nonlinear dynamics and related disciplines (theory Waves, Synergetics and self-organization, etc.). Books in Russian and English. http://physmag.h1.ru/library.html - Literature on quantum mechanics. http://listlib.narod.ru/ - Scanned books (mostly in the TIFF-format) on mathematics, physics (mostly mechanics) and various technical literature. Mirror: http://tech.lib.kharkov.ua/. http://www.math.ru/lib/ - The textbooks and scientific and popular books on mathematics, physics, history of science. http://ega-math.narod.ru/ - Uploaded several books on mathematics. In addition, there are a number of books with biographies or memoirs mathematicians, articles from the journal of quantum, popular articles on mathematics. http://miraj.net.ru/books.html - Books on cybernetics, discrete mathematics, graph theory, cryptography, mathematical logic, relational algebra and related fields of sciences, as well as books on publishing system LaTeX. http://virlib.eunnet.net/win/mm.html - Textbooks and teaching aids teachers Ural State University. http://fnmath.chat.ru/rumath/urls-rus.html - Links to separate underlying books and educational materials on mathematics. http://cas.ssu.runnet.ru/book_int/index.htm - A series of books prepared by the Faculty teachers nonlinear processes of Saratov State University and published in 2000-2002. http://forum.ru-board.com/ - If somewhere in the network can find something that interests you book likely there will help you. Before go on this link should register: http://forum.ru-board.com/register.cgi http://irodov.nm.ru/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=2&topic=2 - Forum on where to get free electronic books. There are links to sites, ftp-archives. Most scientific literature distributed on CD-ROM. Through the forum you can contact the owners of such discs, and perhaps they lay out the necessary book for you.

http://www.molbiol.ru/index.php?can=lit - Links to the available for downloading books on biology, as both Russian and English. Ibid list of more than 2000 books, which exist in electronic form and roam on the network. http://proprius.narod.ru/ - A good selection of books on theoretical biology, mathematical biology and biophysics, neurobiology. http://www.biometrica.tomsk.ru/ - The collection contains about 2000 e-book knowledge in such fields as mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, computer science, etc. However, only a handful (continuing scalable) part is available for download. http://www.macroevolution.narod.ru/paperlist.htm - Popular and scientific works on the theory of evolution - more than 400 works. http://bookshelf.front.ru/bookshelf2.htm - A lot of medical literature, several books on microbiology and physiology. http://www.dmb.biophys.msu.ru/ - Several books on mathematical biology, links to available surveys, a large number of articles and several collections of theses conferences. http://www.biolib.de/ - Mainly historical publications, starting with in 1543 ( “Den nieuwen Herbarius, dat is dat boeck van den cruyden” in Dutch), but there are modern books. Most books in German or English, often the oldest in Latin or Dutch. Total 417 books. http://www.freebooks4doctors.com/ - More than 650 free medical books, mostly in English. http://www.ams.org/online_bks/ - Books and monographs on mathematics at the American Mathematical Society. http://www.geocities.com/alex_stef/mylist.html - Textbooks, lectures and instructional manuals on mathematics and ps in pdf format. http://fs.gallup.unm.edu//eBooks-otherformats.htm - Mainly mathematical literature (several dozen books). http://matwbn.icm.edu.pl/ksspis.php?wyd=10 - A small mathematical library in Polish and English languages on the server Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Warsaw University. http://www.chemport.ru/?cid=29 -Links to the available books on the Internet to all sections of chemistry. http://rushim.ru/books/books.htm - The library contains more than a thousand books on chemistry (5 GB). http://anchem.ru/literature/books/ - Literature on analytical chemistry



Journal-related search engines.

Everybody is familiar with Google Scholar (scholar.google.com).

I now wish to share two useful alternative search engines for finding journals:

http://journalseek.net/ http://www.ojose.com/

Do any of you know of any other search engines? Please post them here!


famous Academic forums in china

http://readfree.net/bbs/ http://www.bylm.net/bbs/

nLab page on Various tips and tricks

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas Holmström