Homotopy Type Theory ETCS with elements > history (Rev #2)


In categorical set theories? such as ETCS?, the set theory is usually a theory of sets and functions? in an abstract category, with elements? being defined as the global elements?, the morphisms? out of the terminal object?. However, this approach poses a few issues, namely that in ordinary mathematical practice, elements are not the same as functions out of the terminal object, although they are isomorphic to each other, and function evaluation of elements in categorical set theories are an abuse of notation.

There are other structural set theories?, such as SEAR, which explicitly put in the elements of a set as a primitive of the theory: this is equivalent to saying that the category is an concrete category rather than an abstract category. In such a presentation involving sets and functions, function evaluation? would be an external version of an evaluation map? defined on the concrete category, making the category into an evaluational category, and the axiom of function extensionality is defined directly on the elements, rather than the global element morphisms out of the terminal object. The presentation of such a concrete categorical set theory reads more like a traditional presentation of set theory in terms of sets and elements, rather than category theory.

In this presentation, we will be adapting Tom Leinster’s presentation of ETCS to the concrete setting. Some of these axioms might be redundant, but that was true of Tom Leinster’s original presentation.

Basic primitives

Our theory has the following primitives:

  • Some things called sets;

  • For every set AA, these things called elements in AA, with elements aa in AA written as aAa \in A;

  • For every set AA and BB, these things called functions from AA to BB, with functions ff from AA to BB written as f:ABf:A \to B;

  • For every set AA and BB, an operation called function evaluation assigning every element aAa \in A and function f:ABf:A \to B an element f(a)Bf(a) \in B;

  • For every set AA, a function id A:AAid_A:A \to A called the identity function of AA;

  • For every set AA, BB, and CC, an operation called function composition assigning every function f:ABf:A \to B and g:BCg:B \to C a function gf:ACg \circ f:A \to C;

Equality of elements and functions

For every set AA and elements aAa \in A and bAb \in A, there is a relation a=ba = b called equality of elements, such that

  • for every element aAa \in A, a=aa = a
  • for every element aAa \in A and bAb \in A, a=ba = b implies that b=ab = a
  • for every element aAa \in A, bAb \in A, and cAc \in A, a=ba = b and b=cb = c implies that a=ca = c.

For every set AA and BB and functions f:ABf:A \to B and g:ABg:A \to B, there is a relation f=gf = g called equality of functions, such that

  • for every function f:ABf:A \to B, f=ff = f
  • for every function f:ABf:A \to B and g:ABg:A \to B, f=gf = g implies that g=fg = f
  • for every function f:ABf:A \to B, g:ABg:A \to B, and h:ABh:A \to B, f=gf = g and g=hg = h implies that f=hf = h.

Basic axioms for functions

Axiom of identity functions. For every set AA and for every element aAa \in A, id A(a)=aid_A(a) = a.

Axiom of currying. For every set AA, BB, and CC, and for every element aAa \in A, (gf)(a)=g(f(a))(g \circ f)(a) = g(f(a)).

Axiom of extensionality. For every set AA and BB and for every function f:ABf:A \to B and g:ABg:A \to B, if f(x)=g(x)f(x) = g(x) for all elements x:Ax \colon A, then f=gf = g.

The associativity and unit laws of function composition follow from the axioms:

  • For every set AA and BB, function f:ABf:A \to B, and element aAa \in A,

    (gid A)(a)=g(id A(a))=g(a)(g \circ id_A)(a) = g(id_A(a)) = g(a)

    and extensionality implies that gid A=gg \circ id_A = g.

  • For every set AA and BB, function f:ABf:A \to B, and element aAa \in A,

    (id Bg)(a)=id B(g(a))=g(a)(id_B \circ g)(a) = id_B(g(a)) = g(a)

    and extensionality implies that id Bg=gid_B \circ g = g.

  • For every set AA, BB, CC, and DD, function f:ABf:A \to B, g:BCg:B \to C, and h:CDh:C \to D, and element aAa \in A,

    (h(gf))(a)=h((gf)(a))=h(g(f(a))=(hg)(f(a))=((hg)f)(a)(h \circ (g \circ f))(a) = h((g \circ f)(a)) = h(g(f(a)) = (h \circ g)(f(a)) = ((h \circ g) \circ f)(a)

    and extensionality implies that h(gf)=(hg)fh \circ (g \circ f) = (h \circ g) \circ f.

Thus, these axioms imply that the collection of sets, functions, and elements form a concrete category that is evaluational and extensional.

Those who are versed in type theory would recognize that the axiom of currying as an instance of currying? a function f:((BC)×(AB))Af:((B \to C) \times (A \to B)) \to A to a function f :(BC)((AB)A)f^{'}:(B \to C) \to ((A \to B) \to A), hence the name of the axiom.


Axiom of singletons. There is a set 𝟙\mathbb{1}, called a singleton, with a unique element *𝟙* \in \mathbb{1}, called a point.

𝟙\mathbb{1} is a terminal set, in the sense that for every set AA, there is a unique function f:A𝟙f:A \to \mathbb{1}. This is because 𝟙\mathbb{1} only has a unique element in it. This implies that for every element aAa \in A and every function f:A𝟙f:A \to \mathbb{1} and g:A𝟙g:A \to \mathbb{1}, f(a)=*f(a) = * and g(a)=*g(a) = *, which by extensionality implies that f=gf = g. Therefore, every two functions from AA to 𝟙\mathbb{1} are equal, and so there is a unique function from AA to 𝟙\mathbb{1}.

Cartesian products

Axiom of Cartesian products. For every set AA and BB, there is a set PP, called a Cartesian product of AA and BB, with a function p A:PAp_A:P \to A called the projection onto AA and a function p B:PBp_B:P \to B called the projection onto BB, such given two elements aAa \in A and bBb \in B there is a unique element (a,b)P(a, b) \in P such that p A((a,b))=ap_A((a, b)) = a and p B((a,b))=bp_B((a, b)) = b.

The structure consisting of sets CC, AA, and BB, with a pair of functions f:CAf:C \to A and g:CBg:C \to B is called a span between AA and BB. A Cartesian product PP of AA and BB with functions p A:PAp_A:P \to A and p B:PBp_B:P \to B is a terminal span between AA and BB, in the sense that for every other span (C,f:CA,g:CB)(C, f:C \to A, g:C \to B), there is a unique function h:CPh:C \to P such that for all elements cCc \in C, p A(h(c))=f(c)p_A(h(c)) = f(c) and p B(h(c))=g(c)p_B(h(c)) = g(c).


Function sets

Set of truth values

Set of natural numbers

Choice sets


Revision on May 15, 2022 at 06:16:35 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.