Homotopy Type Theory compact connected space > history (Rev #3)


A compact connected space is a space SS such that for subspaces ASA \subseteq S and BSB \subseteq S of SS with canonical monic mappings i A,S:ASi_{A,S}:A \to S and i B,S:BSi_{B,S}:B \to S such that the canonical monic mapping i AB,S:ABSi_{A \cup B,S}:A \cup B \to S is an equivalence and the canonical monic mapping i ,AB:ABi_{\emptyset,A \cap B}:\emptyset \to A \cap B is an equivalence, either i A,Si_{A,S} is an equivalence or i B,Si_{B,S} is an equivalence.


Revision on June 14, 2022 at 20:58:46 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.