Homotopy Type Theory dagger category > history (Rev #2, changes)

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A dagger category is a dagger precategory such that for all a,b:Aa,b:A, the function idtouiso a,bidtouiso_{a,b}, as defined in the dagger precategory article, is an equivalence.

The inverse of idtouisoidtouiso is denoted uisotoiduisotoid.


  • Every groupoid is a dagger category with f =f 1f^\dagger = f^{-1}.

  • The dagger category RelRel of sets and relations is a dagger category with f f^\dagger representing the opposite relation of a relation ff.

  • The dagger category HilbHilbHilbR of Hilbert spaces over the real numbers and linear functions maps is a dagger category withf f^\dagger representing the adjoint linear function map offf.

See also


Revision on February 14, 2022 at 21:31:16 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.