Homotopy Type Theory quotient set > history (Rev #1, changes)

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In set theory

Let SS be a set and let \equiv be an equivalence relation on SS. Then the quotient set S/S/\equiv is a set with a function ι(S/) S\iota \in {(S/\equiv)}^{S} such that

aS.bS.(ab)(ι(a)=ι(b))\forall a \in S. \forall b \in S. (a \equiv b) \implies (\iota(a) = \iota(b))

In homotopy type theory

Let TT be a type, and let \equiv be an equivalence relation on TT.

The quotient set T/T/\equiv is inductively generated by the following:

  • a function ι:TT/\iota: T \to T/\equiv

  • a family of dependent terms

    a:T,b:Teq T/(a,b):(ab)(ι(a)= T/ι(b))a:T, b:T \vdash eq_{T/\equiv}(a, b): (a \equiv b) \to (\iota(a) =_{T/\equiv} \iota(b))
  • a family of dependent terms

    a:T/,b:T/τ(a,b):isProp(a= T/b)a:T/\equiv, b:T/\equiv \vdash \tau(a, b): isProp(a =_{T/\equiv} b)

See also


Revision on April 13, 2022 at 23:21:43 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.