Homotopy Type Theory ring > history (Rev #8)


A ring is an abelian group RR with a term 1:R1:R, a bilinear function ()():R×RR(-)\cdot(-):R \times R \to R, and a abelian group homomorphism α:R(R×R)\alpha:R \to (R \times R) such that

  • α(1)=id R\alpha(1) = \mathrm{id}_R

  • for all a:Ra:R and b:Rb:R, α(a)α(b)=α(ab)\alpha(a) \circ \alpha(b) = \alpha(a \cdot b)


See also

Revision on June 13, 2022 at 21:15:05 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.