Recall that a span between two objects and of a category is a pair of maps
We shall write to indicate that and . The object is the domain and the object the codomain of . The map is the source map and the map the target map of the span . The transpose of a span is the span ,
If and are two spans , then a map is an arrow in such that the following diagram commutes,
The spans form a category . If the cartesian product exists, then a span can be described by a single map . Moreover, the category is isomorphic to the category
Let us now suppose that the category has finite limits. Recall that the composite of a span with a span is the span , defined by the following diagram with a cartesian square,
The composition operation defines a functor of two variables
The composition of spans is coherently associative. More precisely, if , and , then the composite of the natural isomorphisms,
obtained from the diagram
is a natural isomorphism
Stephen Lack, R.F.C. Walters, R.J. Wood: Bicategory of spans as bicartesian categories. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol 24 (2010). here
Revised on November 20, 2020 at 21:55:00
Dmitri Pavlov