nLab Bergman's centralizer theorem


Let AA be a free associative unital algebra with some set of generators over a field kk. Then the centralizer or any nonscalar element uAu\in A is isomorphic to k[z]k[z] for some nonscalar element zAz\in A

As a corollary, any two commuting elements in AA may be presented as values of two polynomials P(z),Q(z)P(z), Q(z) over kk on the same element zz in AA.


This has been conjectured by P. M. Cohn and proved in

  • George M. Bergman, Centralizers in free associative algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 137:327–344 (1969) doi

A proof using quantization is in

  • Alexei Kanev Belov?, Farrokh Razavinia, Wenchao Zhang, Bergman’s centralizer theorem and quantization, Communications in Algebra 46:5 (2018) doi arXiv:1708.04802

A combinatorial approach is in chapter 3 of

  • Zlil Sela, Noncommutative algebraic geometry, I: Monomial equations with a single variable, Model theory 3:3 (2024) 733–800 doi
category: algebra

Created on September 3, 2024 at 15:19:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.