nLab decomposition theorem for simplicial groups

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The following observation of Conduché is very useful when working with simplicial groupoids.

Proposition. If GG is a simplicial group(oid), then G nG_n decomposes as a multiple semidirect product:

G nNG ns 0NG n1s 1NG n1s 1s 0NG n2s 2NG n1s n1s n2s 0NG 0G_n \cong NG_n \rtimes s_0NG_{n-1}\rtimes s_1NG_{n-1}\rtimes s_1s_0NG_{n-2} \rtimes s_2NG_{n-1}\rtimes \ldots s_{n-1}s_{n-2}\ldots s_0NG_0

The order of the terms corresponds to a lexicographic ordering of the indices \emptyset; 0; 1; 1,0; 2; 2,0; 2,1; 2,1,0; 3; 3,0; \ldots and so on, the term corresponding to i 1>>i pi_1 \gt \ldots \gt i_p being s i 1s i pNG nps_{i_1}\ldots s_{i_p}NG_{n-p}. The actions involved are clear once the following lemma is examined.

The proof of the result is an induction based on a simple lemma, which is easy to prove.

Lemma. If GG is a simplicial group(oid), then G nG_n decomposes as a semidirect product:

G nKerd n ns n1 n1(G n1).G_n \cong Ker d^n_n \rtimes s^{n-1}_{n-1}(G_{n-1}).

This decomposition generalises the one used in the classical Dold-Kan correspondence. It is extremely useful when analysing the Moore complex of a simplicial group and the relationship between that complex and the original simplicial group. It plays a crucial role in the theory of hypercrossed complexes.


D. Conduché, Modules croisés généralisés de longueur 2 , J. Pure Appl. Alg., 34, (1984), 155–178.

Last revised on October 26, 2012 at 10:56:22. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.