nLab Enrico Vitale

Selected writings

Selected writings

On the characterization of monadic functors over Set:

On the category of (Hausdorff) compactly generated topological spaces being a regular category:

On regular and exact completions (and on free coproduct completions etc.):

On the exact completion of the classical homotopy category Ho(Top)Ho(Top) being a pretopos:

For the characterisation of categories which are localizations of Maltsev varieties:

On Beck's theorem for pseudomonads (higher monadic descent):

On Gabriel-Ulmer duality for general doctrines:

  • C. Centazzo, Enrico M. Vitale, A duality relative to a limit doctrine, Theory and Appl. of Categories 10 20 (2002) 486-497 lbrack;tac:10-20, pdf]

On algebraic theories:

category: people

Last revised on June 22, 2024 at 12:28:24. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.