nLab Euler bilinear form

Expression Euler form may mean either a differential form (“Chern-Euler form”) representing the Euler characteristic class, but also a Z\mathbf{Z}-bilinear form on a Grothendieck group of a kk-linear abelian or triangulated category, related to an alternative sum of dimensions of Ext-groups. This entry is about the latter. The terminology is allegedly due Claus Michael Ringel.


If CC a kk-linear abelian category such that dim(Ext i(M,N))<dim(Ext^i(M,N))\lt \infty for all ii and all objects M,NM,N in CC, then the Euler form is a Z\mathbf{Z}-bilinear form ,:K 0(C)×K 0(C)Z\langle -,-\rangle : K_0(C)\times K_0(C)\to\mathbf{Z} defined by

[M],[N]= i0(1) idim k(Ext i(M,N)). \langle [M],[N]\rangle = \sum_{i\geq 0} (-1)^i dim_k(Ext^i(M,N)).

Similarly, for suitable kk-linear triangulated category DD one sets

[M],[N]= i0(1) idim k(Hom D(M,Σ iN)) \langle [M],[N]\rangle = \sum_{i\geq 0} (-1)^i dim_k(Hom_D(M,\Sigma^i N))


  • C. Geiß, Derived tame algebras and Euler-forms, Math Z. 239 (2002) 829–862 doi
  • Helmut Lenzing, On the K-theory of weighted projective curves, arXiv:1702.03445
  • Helmut Lenzing, A K-theoretic study of canonical algebras, in: Representation theory of algebras (Cocoyoc, 1994), CMS Conf. Proc, 1996 RG
  • Sefi Ladkani, Refined Coxeter polynomials, arXiv:2110.15329

Last revised on October 13, 2023 at 17:55:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.