X-Ray Transform
The X-ray transform is the operator
where is a line, and the Lebesgue measure on the line. The manifold can be represented as
where represents a line that passes through with direction . We endow with a measure invariant under rigid motions. It is an open problem to determine the exponents for which the following inequality holds:
For brevity we will write .
Drury proved the following Theorem.
If is a measurable set, and is the characteristic function of , then
where is the weak- space.
This inequality corresponds to the restricted weak version of the point .
The dual operator is defined by duality as , where and are smooth functions. Therefore,
where .
Set and define the set , then
Now choose a point such that — is the Bourgain’s bush. By translation symmetry we can assume that . If denotes the Dirac delta at the origin, then
On the other hand
where refers to the Lorentz spaces. The function can be explicitly computed
where is the line that passes through and . Then, we can estimate the norm as
Hence, we get the upper bound
Hence, we have that
Therefore, we conclude that
which implies the restricted weak inequality.