nLab Grassmann necklace


A (k,n)(k,n)-Grassmann necklace I=(I 1,I 2,,I n)I = (I_1, I_2,\ldots, I_n) is an nn-tuple of kk-element subsets of [n][n] such that for each a[n]a\in[n],

(1) I a+1=I aifaI aI_{a+1} = I_a if a\notin I_a

(2) I a+1=I a\{a}{b}I_{a+1} = I_a \backslash \{a\}\cup \{b\} for some bI ab\in I_a if aI aa\in I_a

with subcripts taken modulo nn.


Grassmann necklaces parametrize totally nonnegative points in Grassmannian.


Introduced in

category: combinatorics

Created on September 19, 2024 at 15:54:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.