nLab Laiachi El Kaoutit

Selected papers

Laiachi El Kaoutit Zerri is a Profesor Titular de Universidad at the University of Granada, Department of Algebra and the IEMath-Granada.

His main interests are in the general areas of representation theory, Hopf algebras and homological algebra and applications to algebraic and noncommutative algebraic geometry.

Selected papers

On Morita contexts in bicategories:

  • L. El Kaoutit, Wide Morita contexts in bicategories, Arab. J. Sci. Eng. 33, (2008), 153–173

A Tannaka duality-type theorem relating certain subcategory of commutative Hopf algebroids to discrete groupoids is in

  • Laiachi El Kaoutit, Representative functions on discrete groupoids and duality with Hopf algebroids, arxiv/1311.3109
category: people

Last revised on September 9, 2024 at 10:20:29. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.