nLab Sandbox2

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa b\displaystyle \underbrace{aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}_{b}
g ttg_{tt}-11+2mr-1 + 2 \frac{m}{r}1+2mrρ 2-1 + 2 \frac{mr}{\rho^2}
g rrg_{rr}+1rr2m\frac{r}{r - 2m}ρ 2\frac{\rho^2}{\triangle}
g θθg_{\theta\theta}r 2r^2r 2r^2ρ 2\rho^2
g ϕϕg_{\phi\phi}r 2sin 2(θ)r^2 \sin^2(\theta)r 2sin 2(θ)r^2 \sin^2(\theta)(r 2+a 2+2mra 2sin 2(θ)ρ 2)sin 2θ(r^2 + a^2 + \frac{2 m r a^2 \sin^2(\theta)}{\rho^2}) \sin^2{\theta}
g ijg_{ij} iji \neq jall zeroall zeroall zero except g tϕ=g ϕt=2mrasin 2(θ)ρ 2g_{t \phi} = g_{\phi t} = - \frac{2 m r a \sin^2(\theta)}{\rho^2}

Last revised on January 31, 2025 at 15:43:31. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.