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Stirling’s approximation, or Stirling’s formula, gives an asymptotic approximation to the factorial function in terms of elementary functions.
Define for as usual by recursion: and . Stirling’s approximation says
or in other words that
Many proofs are known. The following is meant to bring out the essential kinship between this formula and the famous Gaussian integral identity
or equivalently
First we establish an elementary fact, accessible to a student of elementary calculus.
For some constant ,
Consider a trapezoidal sum estimate? for the integral
Partitioning the interval into subintervals of unit length, the corresponding trapezoidal sum is
underestimates because the graph of is “concave down” (meaning is a convex function). In other words, the error terms
are positive, so that the sum of these error terms from to , which is , increases with . However, using the error term estimate for the trapezoidal rule, the term (1) is on the order of (the maximum value of over ). Since converges, we see that the increasing sequence has a uniform upper bound and therefore a limit. Hence the limit
exists, and therefore for some constant .
The following lemma makes reference to the Gamma function.
; in particular, this limit exists.
From , we easily derive
so that
Then, using , we have
From log-convexity of (see here), we may derive
which implies that the values of , with ranging over half-integers, tend to the same limit as with ranging over whole integers. Therefore
whence , and therefore .
n-Category Café post
Dan Romik, Stirling’s Approximation for n!: the Ultimate Short Proof?, The American Mathematical Monthly Volume 107 Issue 6 (2000), 556-557.