nLab T-Grothendieck construction


The T-Grothendieck construction generalizes the displayed category construction to models of an algebraic theory T. The ordinary displayed category construction is the instance when T is the theory of categories. This construction forms an equivalence between models of T in the category of indexed sets, and models of T in the arrow category of Set. The T-Grothendieck construction answers the following question: which objects classify morphisms of the models of an algebraic theory T?


The T-Grothendieck construction relies on internalizing models of TT in the category of indexed sets and the arrow category of SetSet.


An indexed set is a function f:XSetf: X \to Set. The set XX is called the indexing set, and the set f(x)f(x) for xXx \in X is called the fiber over xx.


Let IndSetIndSet be the category whose objects are functions a:XSeta: X \to Set and a morphism from aa to b:YSetb: Y \to Set is a function f:XYf: X \to Y and an XX-indexed family of functions α x:a(x)b(f(x))\alpha_x: a(x) \to b(f(x)). Let Set Set^{\to} be the arrow category of Set.

The T-Grothendieck construction is the forward direction of the following equivalence:


There is an equivalence of categories

T:[T,IndSet][T,Set ] \int_T : [T,IndSet] \cong [T,Set^{\to}]


There is an equivalence of categories

IndSetSet IndSet \cong Set^{\to}

An indexed set f:XSetf : X \to Set is sent to the function p:fXp: \int f \to X where f={(x,a)|af(x)}\int f = \{ (x,a) | a \in f(x) \} and pp is the projection onto the first coordinate. The inverse mapping of this equivalence sends a function f:YXf: Y \to X to its preimage mapping f 1:XSetf^{-1}: X \to Set. The functor category is a 2-functor

[T,]:CatCat [T,-] : Cat \to Cat

sending a category CC to the functor category [T,C][T,C], sending a functor F:CDF: C \to D to the functor from [T,F]:[T,C][T,D][T,F]:[T,C]\to [T,D] given by composition with FF, and sending a natural transformation α:FG\alpha : F \Rightarrow G to the natural transformation [T,α]:[T,F][T,G][T,\alpha]: [T,F] \Rightarrow [T,G] given by whiskering the functors in the image of [T,F][T,F] by α\alpha. Because every 2-functor preserves equivalences, the equivalence IndSetSet IndSet \cong Set^{\to} is sent to the desired one.


  • When T is the theory of categories we recover the displayed category construction. This relies on an equivalence
    [Th(Cat),IndSet]Cat/Span lax [Th(Cat),IndSet] \cong Cat/Span_{lax}

    where the latter category is the category of displayed categories i.e.\ lax functors into the bicategory of spans and functional natural transformations between them.

  • When T is the theory of graphs, we get an equivalence
    Grph/USpanGrph Grph/USpan \cong Grph^{\to}

    between the category of graph morphisms with codomain USpanUSpan, the graph whose vertices are sets and whose edges are spans and the arrow category of GrphGrph. This example is like the previous example but with less structure.

  • When T is the theory of monoids we get an equivalence
    [Th(Mon),IndSet]Mon [Th(Mon),IndSet] \cong Mon^{\to}

    which unpacks morphisms of monoids into “indexed monoids” i.e.\ indexing monoids MM equipped with fiberwise monoids whose operations are coherent with the operations of MM.

Created on January 15, 2023 at 12:57:46. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.