Betweeness is a ternary relation on a set of points of the same line in geometry. It brings into attention the essential difference between a segment and a line into axiomatic geometry by means of an ordering.
Suppose we are in the setup of incidence geometry. We introduce the notion of order of betweeness as follows (yielding an ordered incidence geometry). Here we shall work with strict betweeness.
Each line in ordered incidence geometry is equipped with a ternary relation among where are three distinct points on (that is, incident with ). We then say that is between and . If denote by , the open interval determined by and , as the set of all points on line between and . The segment is the set of all points between and including also the end points and .
Axioms (see Ben-Tal, Ben-Israel)
A1 If then .
A2 If then there are such that and .
A3 If are colinear and distinct then precisely one of them is between the other two.
A4 (Pasch’s axiom) If are three noncolinear points, and a line in their affine hull (the plane determined by ) then if intersects then it intersects either or .
One can alternatively postulate that on every line one is given two mutually opposite linear orders and define the non-strict betweeness if in (at least) one of the distinguished orders and a strict betweeness if in (presicely) one of the distinguished orders (thus excluding the possibility that equals either or in the strict case). Then one requires just the Pasch’s axiom (e.g. PavkovićVeljan).
This approach is devised by M. Pasch around 1882.
Created on March 25, 2025 at 11:05:59. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.