This entry is meant as a complement to subobject. In particular, the initial author knows that it is there, and that it really doesn’t mean what he intends by “concrete subobject”.
In a concrete category , for an object , when an injection naturally induces (this is deliberately vague)
In the category of groups, a concrete subgroup is exactly a monomorphism in , which is exactly a map in whose underlying function is an injection; a map of sets underlies a subgroup inclusion iff there is exactly one group structure on such that underlies a homomorphism.
For every topological space and every set and every map , there is a terminal (coarsest) topology on with a continuous map to over the function ; a subspace (“embedded” subspace) is exactly an injection of underlying sets where the domain is given this terminal compatible topology.
A sub--module is a closed subset; that is, an embedding of a compact space.
An injection of a topological manifold to a smooth manifold may be a topological embedding, but there may be many (or no) compatible smooth structures on the domain; a submanifold is a smooth embedding with injective differential, which is exactly an embedding of a topological manifold such that smooth functions on the codomain restrict to give a smooth atlas on the domain.
Created on September 16, 2013 at 03:27:37.
See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.