In logic, particularly in the syntactic notion of a (first-order) theory, a constant is a term without free variables, modulo equivalence imposed by equational axioms of the theory.
Recall that a signature of a theory (let us say a one-sorted theory, for the sake of simplicity) consists of constant symbols together with function symbols and relation symbols with assigned arities. Then
A constant symbol of is considered a constant term of the theory, and
If is a function symbol of arity and are constant terms, then is a constant term of the theory.
[Note that in some accounts, constant symbols are considered as function symbols of arity zero.]
For instance, the theory of rings is typically presented by a signature where denotes the sort, with binary operations and constant (symbols) , whence other constant terms may be derived such as .
Constant terms are syntactic expressions derived from the signature, but the axioms of the theory may impose equations between constant terms; for example, the equational axioms of ring theory force equations like
so that what one is really after is equivalence classes of syntactic expressions. A constant of the theory is such an equivalence class of constant terms.
Example 2.1. Let be a fixed commutative ring. The theory of -algebras may be presented just as the theory of rings, but including a constant symbol for each element , and adding equations , , , , and .
For a more semantic description, suppose is a Lawvere theory, and let
denote the category of -algebras = product-preserving functors . Then there is a forgetful functor
and constants of may be identified, up to natural isomorphism, with natural transformations of the form
(where here denotes the terminal functor ). Alternatively, constants of may be naturally identified with morphisms in the hom-set where is the product-preserving functor given as one of the data for .
The same idea applies to any infinitary algebraic theory.
From this point of view, identifying (equivalence classes of) -ary operations of with natural transformations , one also often says that is constant if it factors through the unique map , as in constant morphism.
For example, for the Lawvere theory of commutative -algebras, -ary operations are in natural bijection with polynomials , and such a is constant iff it belongs to the image of the canonical inclusion map . See also constant polynomial.
Last revised on July 26, 2023 at 19:46:10. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.