nLab face algebra


Face algebra is a generalization of a bialgebra whose main examples appear in a generalization of FRT construction motivated by solvable models of face type. It can be considered as a special kind of weak Hopf algebras, and a fortiori of bialgebroids.


It has been introduced in

  • Takahiro Hayashi, Face algebras and their Drinfel′d doubles, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 56, part 2 (1994) (ed. W. J. Haboush) 49–61 doi gBooks

American Mathematical Society

  • Takahiro Hayashi, Face algebras I-A generalization of quantum group theory, J. Math. Soc. Japan 50:2 (1998) 293–315 doi

That they can be considered as a special case of × R\times_R-bialgebras is found in

  • Peter Schauenburg, Face algebras are × R\times_R-bialgebras, in: Rings, Hopf Algebras, and Brauer Groups, CRC Press 1998
category: algebra

Created on October 14, 2024 at 22:53:03. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.