Let be a category with two model structures and having the same class of weak equivalences. Moreover, let be a weak factorization system such that .
The following theorem is essentially due to Jardine.
Theorem 1.1. There is a (necessarily unique) intermediate model structure with the same weak equivalences and as the cofibrations.
Proof. Define to be the class of morphisms having the right lifting property with respect to . Now we observe the following:
Now one of the weak factorization systems in the desired model structure is just . The other will be , for which it suffices to verify the existence of factorizations. Given , we first factor it as with (hence also ) and . Now factor as with and , hence also . Thus, by the 2-out-of-3 property, , so we have with and .
It remains only to show that , and this follows by a standard retract argument. Given , factor it as with and . Then , so by 2-out-of-3 as well. Hence has the right lifting property with respect to , so it is a retract of , hence lies in . ▮
We also have:
Theorem 1.2. If in the above situation is a locally presentable category and either or is cofibrantly generated (hence combinatorial), and is cofibrantly generated, then is also combinatorial.
Proof. The assumption about or ensures that is an accessibly embedded accessible full subcategory of . The rest of the hypotheses of Smith’s theorem about combinatorial model categories are automatically satisfied because we already know that is a model category. ▮
Let be a small category and a combinatorial model category. Then has a projective model structure with the objectwise fibrations, and an injective model structure with the objectwise cofibrations, and in both cases the objectwise weak equivalences.
Thus, from any weak factorization system on in which (1) every -map is an objectwise cofibration and (2) every -map is an objectwise acyclic fibration, we obtain a new model structure on , and dually.
Specific examples include:
If is a set of cofibrations in containing the generating projective cofibrations, then by the small object argument it generates a weak factorization system with . This is the original example.
If is a Reedy category (or a generalized Reedy category), then we have a weak factorization system consisting of Reedy cofibrations and Reedy trivial fibrations, giving rise to the Reedy model structure. The dual of the theorem, applied to the weak factorization system of Reedy trivial cofibrations and Reedy fibrations, produces the same Reedy model structure.
By the algebraic small object argument, we can enhance the two weak factorization systems of to algebraic weak factorization systems, and then simply apply them objectwise to obtain two weak factorization systems on to which the theorem and its dual can be applied.
Last revised on July 26, 2022 at 05:55:16. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.