nLab modular polynomial



Given a field KK and a polynomial pK[x]p \in K[x], a polynomial modulo pp is an element of the quotient ring qK[x]/pK[x]q \in K[x]/p K[x]. The quotient ring itself is called the ring of polynomials modulo pp.


  • The Gaussian rationals are the rational polynomials [x]\mathbb{Q}[x] modulo x 2+1x^2 + 1.

  • The complex numbers are the real polynomials [x]\mathbb{R}[x] modulo x 2+1x^2 + 1.

  • The dual numbers are the real polynomials [x]\mathbb{R}[x] modulo x 2x^2.


If pp is an irreducible element in K[x]K[x], then the quotient ring K[x]/pK[x]K[x]/p K[x] is a field.

If p np^n is a power of an irreducible element pK[x]p \in K[x], then the quotient ring K[x]/p nK[x]K[x]/p^n K[x] is a local ring.

Given an irreducible element pK[x]p \in K[x], one could construct the completion of a ring

K[x] pcolimnK[x]/p nK[x]K[x]_p \coloneqq \underset{n \to \infty}\mathrm{colim} K[x]/p^n K[x]

which is a discrete valuation ring, a local integral domain with a Dedekind-Hasse norm. In particular, if p=xap = x - a is a monic polynomial of degree one with aKa \in K a constant, then K[x] xaK[[xa]]K[x]_{x - a} \coloneqq K[[x - a]] is the ring of formal power series expanded around aa.

If pp is a square-free element of K[x]K[x], then the quotient ring K[x]/pK[x]K[x]/p K[x] is a reduced ring.

In general, the quotient ring K[x]/pK[x]K[x]/p K[x] is a prefield ring, whose monoid of regular elements are the equivalence class of polynomials qq modulo pp such that the greatest common divisor is in the group of units of the polynomial ring.

gcd(p,q)K[x] ×\gcd(p, q) \in K[x]^\times

See also


  • Garrett Sobczyk, New Foundations in Mathematics: The Geometric Concept of Number. (doi:10.1007/978-0-8176-8385-6)

Created on January 22, 2023 at 18:40:47. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.